Getting to the Point

A newsletter about the business of life

February 16, 2005


In this issue

·  Tuning In To Your Wave

·  Others have said

·  On a personal note

Tuning In To Your Wave

radio telescope

I spent three days last week with a group of like minded professionals who are in same business as I am. We help others develop their businesses from mediocre to spectacular. We met to spend time working on keeping our own businesses at a spectacular level. Even though the group consisted of specialists from various industries and hailed from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, we all had common problems to solve.

Discussions of software, hardware and selling techniques were common. Much information was traded for saving time and money in our businesses. I have pages of notes to prove it.

I am most intrigued with a planning concept that was talked about at length. I have read and heard about it before. It's called the annual personal retreat. It is a scheduled event for reviewing your personal and business mission statements, planning a calendar for the next twelve months of your life and completing a vision statement for the next thirty-six months. That last sentence reads like a tall order. That is because it is.

It is tall like Mount Everest is tall. How in the world do you expect me to get all of that accomplished when it is a daily challenge to knock off six items on my to-do list?

The lure of the annual personal retreat (personal means alone, solo, by yourself) is the uninterrupted time to get this project done. Without the thirty-six month plan, a vision, we are all doomed to short sightedness. Being able to see as far as your reading glasses will take you is okay if you are comfortable with a life of mediocrity.

For some of us, short sightedness is not good enough. The view toward the horizon from binoculars is much more exciting and fulfilling.

The personal retreat allows for the necessary time to create a 36 month vision. I have had days where I have felt my personal vision was created for just the next 36 minutes. I suspect that the first time I try this, the process will be uncomfortable. I have a difficult time imagining the absence of telephone, cell phone, email, fax or snail mail to distract me. Away from my normal environment, there could be a few hours of writer's and thinker's block to overcome.

Once I get over the solitary moments, I can see the enormous benefit of the head clearing process. It's not a new concept, this idea of being alone. People have been going on walk-about for thousands of years. It might work best to try this out for one day and one night before I jump into the recommended three-day event. I'll let you know how it works out.

Better yet, you try it and let me know how it works out for you.

Others have said

"The mind is everything. What you think you become."--Buddha

"Certain springs are tapped only when we are alone."- - Ann Morrow Lindbergh

On a personal note

man with umbrella

Our twenty year old son, Andrew, decided a couple of weeks ago it was time for him to embark on his own personal retreat. He summoned up the courage to call his mother and announce that he had taken a leave of absence for the semester from college and would be traveling to Ireland and elsewhere with a backpack. He has been travelling alone in Ireland and Scotland and last checked in with us from Amsterdam.

His personal walk-about was entirely his own idea. Friends and family are envious of his spirit and adventure. Fortunately, there is still time for the rest of us to make a decision to travel, too. How does that saying go? A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step...



Thanks for reading. Please forward this newsletter to anyone that you think might enjoy it. The subscriber list continues to grow. Thanks to the readership for helping!

Newsletter topic ideas and comments are always welcome. Send me an e-note.

Life is short, ride hard.


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